
Touzi decomposition provides more scattering information corresponding to parameters describing different targets. It is possible to explore the selection method of parameters, which plays an important role in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) image classification. Therefore, this paper presents an innovative parameter ordering scheme based on the histogram of parameters obtained by Touzi decomposition. Then, a parameter selection scheme is proposed by analyzing the influence of the increase of parameters on the overall accuracy obtained by the Softmax classifier. Based on the Gamma distribution, the parameter selection method of eigenvalue decomposition is also given. As the data distribution of the selected parameters does not always satisfy the Gaussian distribution, it may not be sufficient to directly apply the autoencoder network. Thus, the loss function of the autoencoder network is modified by the construction of different data error terms according to a different data distribution form of the selected parameters, and then an improved autoencoder network is proposed. The process of feature extraction and classification can be regarded as a whole network to better accomplish the task of classification. An extensive set of experiments are done on four real PolSAR images. Compared with the classification results of all parameters, the gap in the overall accuracy of the parameters obtained by the proposed selection scheme is only about 1%. In terms of the classification overall accuracy, considering the distribution of parameters in the autoencoder network and the construction of the whole classification network can improve it by about 6–7% for four data sets. Code is available at https://github.com/Justin20220123/ISPRS2022.

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