
Abstract Imperfect physical parameterization schemes in a coupled climate model are an important source of model biases that adversely impact climate prediction. However, how observational information should be used to optimize physical parameterizations through parameter estimation has not been fully studied. Using an intermediate coupled ocean–atmosphere model, the authors investigate parameter optimization when the assimilation model contains biased physics within a biased assimilation experiment framework. Here, the biased physics is induced by using different outgoing longwave radiation schemes in the assimilation model and the “truth” model that is used to generate simulated observations. While the stochastic physics, implemented by initially perturbing the physical parameters, can significantly enhance the ensemble spread and improve the representation of the model ensemble, the parameter estimation is able to mitigate the model biases induced by the biased physics. Furthermore, better results for climate estimation and prediction can be obtained when only the most influential physical parameters are optimized and allowed to vary geographically. In addition, the parameter optimization with the biased model physics improves the performance of the climate estimation and prediction in the deep ocean significantly, even if there is no direct observational constraint on the low-frequency component of the state variables. These results provide some insight into decadal predictions in a coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation model that includes imperfect physical schemes that are initialized from the climate observing system.

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