
ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a Gaussian Process (GP) emulator for the calculation both of tomographic weak lensing band powers, and of coefficients of summary data massively compressed with the MOPED algorithm. In the former case cosmological parameter inference is accelerated by a factor of ∼10–30 compared with Boltzmann solver class applied to KiDS-450 weak lensing data. Much larger gains of order 103 will come with future data, and MOPED with GPs will be fast enough to permit the Limber approximation to be dropped, with acceleration in this case of ∼105. A potential advantage of GPs is that an error on the emulated function can be computed and this uncertainty incorporated into the likelihood. However, it is known that the GP error can be unreliable when applied to deterministic functions, and we find, using the Kullback–Leibler divergence between the emulator and class likelihoods, and from the uncertainties on the parameters, that agreement is better when the GP uncertainty is not used. In future, weak lensing surveys such as Euclid, and the Legacy Survey of Space and Time, will have up to ∼104 summary statistics, and inference will be correspondingly more challenging. However, since the speed of MOPED is determined not the number of summary data, but by the number of parameters, MOPED analysis scales almost perfectly, provided that a fast way to compute the theoretical MOPED coefficients is available. The GP provides such a fast mechanism.

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