
Feedback devices for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) have been introduced across a number of emergency medical services (EMS) worldwide with the intention of increasing the provision of high quality CPR. In July 2014, St. John Ambulance Western Australia (SJA-WA) introduced the Q-CPRTM device into mandatory clinical practice; however usage rates were lower than expected. Methods: A voluntary, anonymous survey was issued to a convenience sample of SJA-WA paramedics from September to December 2015 to determine the paramedic-reported barriers towards the use of Q-CP Results: Of the 264 paramedics who participated in the survey, 41% reported having used Q-CPR during their last attempted resuscitation. Among those who had not used it, the reason most commonly cited (37%) was that a mechanical chest compression device arrived on scene prior to the Q-CPR being deployed. Secondly, other interventions were prioritized above the use of Q-CPR (20%). Thirdly, pain associated with use of the Q-CPR prevented its utilization in 17% of cases. Other reasons were less frequently reported. Conclusion: Lower usage rates appeared to be primarily linked to the utilisation of other equipment and interventions in preference to the Q-CPR and to a lesser extent due to pain associated with the use of such devices.

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