
Subparalytic doses ofcurarewere given to three observers. Four major perceptions were reported: (1)displacement or repositioning of the perceived visual world in the direction of a successfully executedeye movement; (2)jumping during a saccade; (3)movement associated with drift of the eye; (4) increasedeffort associated with each eye movement. Paralytic doses ofsuccinylcholinewere administered to a single observer. Three major perceptions were reported: (1)displacement in the direction of the intended eye movement without jumping: (2) a sensation that greateffort was required to move the eye; (3)fading of the visual image due to effective retinal stabilization. Similar visual perceptions were observed when the eye was paralyzed with a local anesthetic; however, nofading or sense ofeffort was reported. No deficits in pattern vision (except for intermittent fading) were reported in any of the studies.

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