
In this research, an analysis of parallel Robots in Rehabilitation and Assistance was carried out to show the state of this technology and provide relevant information for future research. A systematized review of 90 research of the last 5 years was carried out. Data were obtained from these, which were classified into subtopics, such as types of sensors, degrees of freedom, types of controllers, actuators, and their applications. The frequency of use was analyzed, obtaining as results that force sensors, MatLab controller type, CDPR actuator, ankle rehabilitation, and degree of maturity 3, are the most recurrent. It was observed that pressure sensors are more used due to the precision and range, the preferred controller in MatLab for processing mathematical equations, matrices, and controllers; CDPR actuators achieved a larger working space at lower costs having a simpler design, ankle rehabilitation was the most successful as it helped to recover the mobility of the lower-limbs.

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