
Problem statement: As distributed real-time multimedia services are accessed by users from different locations, the run-time performance must be managed and monitored to get a clear view of how media web services perform within their operational environments and to perform control actions to modify and adjust the their behavior. Otherwise it will provide negative effects on the reputation of service provider. Therefore the main objective of this study was to design and implement a media web service composed dynamically and to monitor the Dynamically Composed Media Web Services (DCMWS) through Parallel Performance Monitoring Service (PPMS). The PPMS is a web service that executed in parallel with media web service using multi threading technology. Approach: The PPMS monitors the run-time performance of Dynamically Composed Media Web Services (DCMWS) which were represented as BPEL (Business Process Execution Language) processes. The run-time performance of the media web services such as timeouts, external errors, percentage of successful completion of individual media web services and the occurrence of fault were monitored and using this result the corrective actions were taken by service providers. Results: The effectiveness of PPMS had been evaluated for media-on-demand composite web service and its results showed an improvement on the performance of run time monitoring of media web services. Conclusion: To facilitate management decisions and media web service behavior modifications, service providers need to monitor the run-time performance of DCMWS. In this context, the approach outlined in this study was most appropriate, convenient and efficient. The proposed PPMS herein played a crucial role in monitoring run-time performance of DCMWS.

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