
Adverse health effects due to exposure to airborne particles are associated with particle deposition within the human respiratory tract. Particle size, shape, chemical composition, and the individual physiological characteristics of each person determine to what depth inhaled particles may penetrate and deposit within the respiratory tract. Various particle inertial classification devices are available to fractionate airborne particles according to their aerodynamic size to approximate particle penetration through the human respiratory tract. Cyclones are most often used to sample thoracic or respirable fractions of inhaled particles. Extensive studies of different cyclonic samplers have shown, however, that the sampling characteristics of cyclones do not follow the entire selected convention accurately. In the search for a more accurate way to assess worker exposure to different fractions of inhaled dust, a novel sampler comprising several inertial impactors arranged in parallel was designed and tested. The new design includes a number of separated impactors arranged in parallel. Prototypes of respirable and thoracic samplers each comprising four impactors arranged in parallel were manufactured and tested. Results indicated that the prototype samplers followed closely the penetration characteristics for which they were designed. The new samplers were found to perform similarly for liquid and solid test particles; penetration characteristics remained unchanged even after prolonged exposure to coal mine dust at high concentration. The new parallel impactor design can be applied to approximate any monotonically decreasing penetration curve at a selected flow rate. Personal-size samplers that operate at a few L/min as well as area samplers that operate at higher flow rates can be made based on the suggested design. Performance of such samplers can be predicted with high accuracy employing well-established impaction theory.

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