
The current paper introduces an efficient technique for parallel data addressing in FFT architectures performing in-place computations. The novel addressing organization provides parallel load and store of the data involved in radix-r butterfly computations and leads to an efficient architecture when r is a power of 2. The addressing scheme is based on a permutation of the FFT data, which leads to the improvement of the address generating circuit and the butterfly processor control. Moreover, the proposed technique is suitable for mixed radix applications, especially for radixes that are powers of 2 and straightforward continuous flow implementation. The paper presents the technique and the resulting FFT architecture and shows the advantages of the architecture compared to hitherto published results. The implementations on a Xilinx FPGA Virtex-7 VC707 of the in-place radix-8 FFT architectures with input sizes 64 and 512 complex points validate the results.

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