
To evaluate the feasibility and reproducibility of quantitative cartilage imaging with parallel imaging at 3T and to determine the impact of the acceleration factor (AF) on morphological and relaxation measurements. An eight-channel phased-array knee coil was employed for conventional and parallel imaging on a 3T scanner. The imaging protocol consisted of a T2-weighted fast spin echo (FSE), a 3D-spoiled gradient echo (SPGR), a custom 3D-SPGR T1rho, and a 3D-SPGR T2 sequence. Parallel imaging was performed with an array spatial sensitivity technique (ASSET). The left knees of six healthy volunteers were scanned with both conventional and parallel imaging (AF = 2). Morphological parameters and relaxation maps from parallel imaging methods (AF = 2) showed comparable results with conventional method. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of the two methods for cartilage volume, mean cartilage thickness, T1rho, and T2 were 0.999, 0.977, 0.964, and 0.969, respectively, while demonstrating excellent reproducibility. No significant measurement differences were found when AF reached 3 despite the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The study demonstrated that parallel imaging can be applied to current knee cartilage quantification at AF = 2 without degrading measurement accuracy with good reproducibility while effectively reducing scan time. Shorter imaging times can be achieved with higher AF at the cost of SNR.

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