
Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) can be efficiently used to visualize, analyze and model large chemical data. The GTM manifold needs to span the chemical space deemed relevant for a given problem. Therefore, the Frame set (FS) of compounds used for the manifold construction must well cover a given chemical space. Intuitively, the FS size must raise with the size and diversity of the target library. At the same time, the GTM training can be very slow or even becomes technically impossible at FS sizes of the order of 105 compounds – which is a very small number compared to today's commercially accessible compounds, and, especially, to the theoretically feasible molecules. In order to solve this problem, we propose a Parallel GTM algorithm based on the merging of “intermediate” manifolds constructed in parallel for different subsets of molecules. An ensemble of these subsets forms a FS for the “final” manifold. In order to assess the efficiency of the new algorithm, 80 GTMs were built on the FSs of different sizes ranging from 10 to 1.8 M compounds selected from the ChEMBL database. Each GTM was challenged to build classification models for up to 712 biological activities (depending on the FS size). With the novel parallel GTM procedure, we could thus cover the entire spectrum of possible FS sizes, whereas previous studies were forced to rely on the working hypothesis that FS sizes of few thousands of compounds are sufficient to describe the ChEMBL chemical space. In fact, this study formally proves this to be true: a FS containing only 5000 randomly picked compounds is sufficient to represent the entire ChEMBL collection (1.8 M molecules), in the sense that a further increase of FS compound numbers has no benefice impact on the predictive propensity of the above‐mentioned 712 activity classification models. Parallel GTM may, however, be required to generate maps based on very large FS, that might improve chemical space cartography of big commercial and virtual libraries, approaching billions of compounds


  • Nowadays, public and private chemical databases contain millions of already synthesized compounds (ChEMBL[1], PubChem[2], CAS[3], etc.) and billions of computer-generated virtual structures (GDB-17[4])

  • Generative Topographic Mapping (GTM) is a probabilistic extension of the Self-Organizing Mapping (SOM)[33] method where log-likelihood is utilized as an objective function.[12]

  • Four intermediate GTM manifolds were trained on 5K compounds each, and the entire ChEMBL collection was projected on them as well as on the final manifold

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Public and private chemical databases contain millions of already synthesized compounds (ChEMBL[1], PubChem[2], CAS[3], etc.) and billions of computer-generated virtual structures (GDB-17[4]). This chemical universe needs to be explored and analyzed. To describe the entire data set, a vector of cumulative responsibilities can be built using responsibility vectors of individual compounds. The latter can be associated with class or property values which leads to GTM Class Landscape or GTM Property Landscape. These landscapes can be used as classification and regression models in various chemoinformatics tasks.[13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]

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