
Given the differences of command and control (C2) activities between the field command center and the emergency operations center (EOC), this article combined the edge C2 theory with the parallel C2 theory, and proposed a parallel incident C2 mode based on the observe–orient–decide–act (OODA) loop and planning–readiness–execution–assessment (PREA) loop. The aim is to build up a PREA loop-based parallel incident C2 mode and its related operating mechanism of edge empowerment and energy release in parallel incident C2 mode. The parallel incident C2 mode based on the PREA loop and OODA loop supports the co-existence and connection of the two roles of the incident C2 agent at the emergency scene. The two roles are the executive role of emergency response and operation and the command and organization role of the edge emergency system. This article initiates a deep integration of two different C2 process mechanisms in the emergency response and operation process, taking into account the local emergency scene and the global emergency system. Taken together, a key issue has been well addressed regarding the contradiction that the traditional emergency response cannot be reconciled in terms of rapidity and thoroughness.

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