
We found "parallel array" of tubules with a pipe-like structure in the mitochondria of glomerulosa cells of the adrenal cortex of the rats treated with atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) that inhibits aldosterone production. This structure was characterized by the regular parallel arrays of tubules running straight along the mitochondrial long axis, representing a pipe-like structure. The cross section exhibited the round shape with an electron lucent core measuring about 40 nm and dual thick membranes measuring 10 nm in thickness. Some of these tubules were connected with the mitochondrial inner membrane. Freeze fracture replica represented round particles distributed on the surface membrane of these tubules, indicating protein particles. This particular structure was considered to be one of the changes occurring in the mitochondrial inner membrane on which structural proteins were localized. These tubules probably appeared in connection with the impaired mitochondrial protein synthesis in the process of the biosynthesis of mineralcorticoid, because this structure was found only in the glomerulosa cells under the decreased and increased aldosterone production.

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