
Finding a target among uniformly oriented non-targets is typically faster when this target is perpendicular, rather than parallel, to the non-targets. The V1 Saliency Hypothesis (V1SH), that neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1) signal saliency for exogenous attentional attraction, predicts exactly the opposite in a special case: each target or non-target comprises two equally sized disks displaced from each other by 1.2 disk diameters center-to-center along a line defining its orientation. A target has two white or two black disks. Each non-target has one white disk and one black disk, and thus, unlike the target, activates V1 neurons less when its orientation is parallel rather than perpendicular to the neurons’ preferred orientations. When the target is parallel, rather than perpendicular, to the uniformly oriented non-targets, the target’s evoked V1 response escapes V1’s iso-orientation surround suppression, making the target more salient. I present behavioral observations confirming this prediction.

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