
The new snailfish Paraliparis hokuto is described from two specimens collected between 1,432 and 1,562 m depth in the northern part of the Suruga Trough. It can be distinguished from all currently recognized congeners by the following combination of characters: 72 total vertebrae; 65 dorsal-fin rays; 60 or 61 anal-fin rays; 22 or 23 pectoral-fin rays; 6 caudal-fin rays; 3 pectoral proximal radials, all unnotched; 5 pyloric caeca, longest caecum ca. 60% of HL; teeth weak, easily bent or damaged, completely uniserial in lower jaw; paired chin pores in common pit; opercular flap present; uppermost part of pectoral-fin base horizontally level with center or lower margin of eye. A single specimen of the rare snailfish Paraliparis atramentatus Gilbert and Burke 1912, collected from 253 to 1,282 m depth on the continental slope in western Suruga Bay, and representing only the third example of the species and first record from Suruga Bay, is described and intraspecific variability in teeth tip shape noted.

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