
The geometry of double field theory (DFT) is described by a para-Hermitian manifold M. A tangent bundle of the para-Hermitian manifold T M is decomposed into two eigenbundles L and ∼L associated with the eigenvalues of the para-complex structure K. We define a Lie algebroid structure on the eigenbundles L, ∼L. The gauge symmetry algebra of DFT is governed by the C-bracket. The algebraic structure based on the C-bracket is not a Courant algebroid, but a metric algebroid proposed by Vaisman (the Vaisman algebroid). We show that the Vaisman algebroid in DFT is naturally defined on T M by an analogue of the Drinfel’d double of L, ∼L. We also find that an algebraic origin of the strong constraint is the condition for (L, ∼L) to become a Lie bialgebroid.

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