
Preliminary results from the Paraguay Demographic and Health Survey, 1990, are presented for population, fertility, contraceptive usage, postpartum activity, infant mortality, immunization coverage, oral rehydration treatment, use of health personnel during delivery, and nutritional status. Data were compiled by the Paraguay Center of Population Studies. Surveys were conducted in only the eastern region which contains 98% of the population. Interviews were conducted with 5827 women aged 15-49 years between May 21 and August 24, 1990. 28 tables, graphs, or charts are provided. General demographic data is presented for 1965 and 1985 and the percent change. The percentage of urban or rural women by their educational status is provided. Total fertility rate is shown in 5-year spans between 1955 and 1985, with estimates given for 1990. Fertility differentials are shown for urban or rural residence and educational level. Age-specific fertility is given. The ideal number of children is plotted against the number of living children. Also given the number of women desiring to stop childbearing and the planning status by birth order. Contraceptive prevalence is expressed for residence and educational level, as well as for age and parity. Sources of supply are indicated by choice of modern method, Knowledge of contraception by method of use and knowledge is provided. Intention to use contraception is supplied in terms of number of living children. The reasons for nonuse are generated by age group 30 years and 30 years. Duration of postpartum by status (breast feeding, nonsusceptible, amenorrhea, abstinence) is provided. Status is given by months and mean duration. Survival of children ever born indicates ever born, surviving, and dead. Infant mortality differences are expressed by residence and educational level. Demographic characteristics of those immunized by type of vaccine is given. Statistics on the percentage of children 5 years of age with diarrhea 2 weeks prior to the survey are given. Health personnel involved during the delivery are given. Nutritional status is measured by the status of undernourishment based on weight for height and age data and residence and mother's educational level.

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