
Aim: To present a rare case of Paraganglioma of neck in an adult. Introduction: Paragangliomas of the head and neck represent rare benign tumors of neural crest origin that comprises of <0.5% of all head and neck tumors. A schwannoma, also referred to as neurilemmoma, is relatively uncommon slowly growing benign lesion which originates from peripheral neural sheath of any myelinated nerve. Parapharyngeal space tumours are very rare and account for only 1 % of all head and neck tumours. The clinical presentation of schwannoma varies with the anatomical area involved. Surgical excision has been the treatment of choice and recurrence is very rare. Methodology: A 24-year, male presented in ENT OPD with the complaints of swelling on the right side of neck since 2 years. On Examination, the patient had a swelling on right side of neck, extending from angle of mandible upto supraclavicular region, 10 x 6 cm in size, ovoid in shape, non-tender, smooth surface, well defined rounded margins & firm in consistency. On CECT Neck, a well circumscribed hypodense mass with poor enhancement not invading surrounding tissue was seen. On MRI-NECK study, a well-defined heterogenous mass on the right-side posterior to carotid vessels, suggestive of neoplastic lesion, mostly neurogenic stroma. Results: Surgical excision of swelling approximately 9 X 6 cm was performed under general anaesthesia. Conclusions: Schwannoma of the parapharyngeal tumor, should be included in the differential diagnosis of well circumscribed neck mass MRI &CT are highly informative and definitive diagnosis requires histopathological evaluation. From the literature review and experience in our patient, we conclude that in early-stage Cervical paraganglioma with a low risk of surgical complications, primary resection for cure is recommended.

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