
Problem setting. Consciously or unconsciously, but being not so much psychologists or sociologists, how many political technologists, supporters of this concept mythologizing nature as consciousness in general, and its national form in particular. In view of this, the purpose of this article is revealed due to a decrease in the degree of social tension, which is generated by such myths. For its achievement, the experience of German classical philosophy is used. Article’s main body. The article investigates the thesis regarding the consolidation of modern wars, which is relevant in the present conditions. It is emphasized that the creators and supporters of this concept claim precisely about the war on defeat (destruction) of consciousness. It is emphasized that an excellent characteristic is the controversial nature of such conflicts – the fact that they are confronting one of all. In the course of the study, it was found that the interpretation of these wars, as not having a particular opponent (without an enemy), really has the right to exist, but not in the conditions of modernity, but according to world history. Conclusion. The modern war is really conducted, only not at the level of consciousness (the most difficult ones, as we have seen, shaped spirit). It is carried out at a level slightly below consciousness. This should finally recognize it. It is not about a consolidate, namely subconcscription (in the skyline of the subconscious) war. In our point of view, the thesis that “there is no obvious opponents in the conscientious wars,” in essence is absolutely correct. Two and a half thousand years ago, precisely from the Greeks, it is precisely with the appearance of the phenomenon of consciousness (in the sense of realizing the absolute identity of inaccurate thinking and being) the true history of mankind began. It is very indicative that in addition to the word “allate - truth” in their thinking was born his double, the word “story” appeared in the Greeks

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