
The colonial education system that was authoritarian, secularistic and materialistic was still prevalent in national education activities. As a result, today's generation of nations has experienced industrial objectivation, dehumanization, moral decadence, and self-alignment from its socio-cultural effects as a result of national education that sided with market interests (capitalist and materialist). This article seeks to analyze the values of the Pancadarma Taman Siswa Ki Hajar Dewantara which underlie the idea of humanist-religious education. The idea has paradigmatic relevance with the ideals of prophetic education which are explored into three pillars namely humanization (amar ma'ruf), liberation (nahi munkar), and transcendence (al-iman billah). This research is analytical-descriptive using Kuntowijoyo's Social Ethics concept to explore prophetic epistemology in Ki Hajar Dewantara's educational concept. This research resulted in the finding that the Pancadarma Taman Siswa concept required an educational system capable of returning children to their natural self as independent and cultured human beings, as well as arousing transcendental awareness. Pancadarma Taman Siswa installs students as independent individual and social subjects in accordance with human nature (humanization). On the other hand, Ki Hajar Dewantara's education wish for liberation of the world of education from the grip of the industry which adjusts various structural oppressions in society (liberation). Then, Pancadarma positions religion as an objective source of ethics and truth so that all educational activities are only dedicated to humanity and the advancement of civilization.

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