
Disruption score (DS) is a novel bibliometric created to identify research that shifts paradigms, which may be overlooked by citation count (CC). We analyzed the most disruptive, compared to the most cited, literature in vascular surgery, and hypothesized that DS and CC would not correlate. A PubMed search identified vascular surgery publications from 1954 to 2014. The publications were linked to the iCite NIH tool and DS algorithm to identify the top 100 studies by CC and DS, respectively. The publications were reviewed for study focus, design, and contribution, and subsequently compared. A total of 56,640 publications were identified. The top 100 DS papers were frequently published in J Vasc Sur (43%) and Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg (13%). The top 100 CC papers were frequently published in N Engl J Med (32%) and J Vasc Sur (20%). The most cited article is the fifth most disruptive; the most disruptive article is not in the top 100 cited papers. The DS papers had a higher mean DS than the CC papers (.17 vs .0001, P < .0001). The CC papers had a higher mean CC than the DS papers (866 vs 188, P < .0001). DS and CC are weakly correlated metrics (r = .22, P = .03). DS was weakly correlated with CC and captured a unique subset of literature that created paradigm shifts in vascular surgery. DS should be utilized as an adjunct to CC to avoid overlooking impactful research and influential researchers, and to measure true academic productivity.

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