
A 33-year-old HIV negative Brazilian engineer who had been living in Australia for three years presented to his dentist with an eight week history of a progressively enlarging maxillary gingival ulcer, suspicious for malignancy. Biopsy of the lesion showed pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia with round structures present in periodic acid-schiff and grocott stains suggestive of a fungal organism. A second biopsy revealed fungal organisms with a pathognomonic appearance on microscopy. The organism grew on Brain Heart Infusion agar and Sabouraud agar at 30 and 35 degrees celsius. An identification of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis was made. To our knowledge, we present the first Australian case of P. brasiliensis infection, a highly pathogenic dimorphic fungus, in order to highlight some of the key diagnostic features of this unusual infection.

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