
As a review of literature, the authors discuss the mechanisms of action and the therapeutic use of paracetamol, one of the most known and widely used drugs. In 1995, the WHO experts comparatively evaluated drugs from different groups, which have a combined analgesic and antipyretic activity. Paracetamol holds the lead in its efficacy/safety. An interest in the mechanism of action of the drug, as well as discussion of its safe use have again quickened due to the given ability to administer intravenous paracetamol for postoperative analgesia. Based on the review of literature, the authors draw a conclusion that paracetamol may be successfully used in practice of an intensive care unit. This drug has rather marked intrinsic analgesic and antipyretic effects and its coadministration with narcotic analgesics leads to synergism and reduces needs for opioids. When used in therapeutic doses, paracetamol is practically safe, but requires that a weighed approach be applied to its use in risk-group patients.


  • As a review of literature, the authors discuss the mechanisms of action and the therapeutic use of paracetamol, one of the most known and widely used drugs

  • Paracetamol holds the lead in its efficacy/safety

  • Based on the review of literature, the authors draw a conclusion that paracetamol may be successfully used in practice of an intensive care unit

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As a review of literature, the authors discuss the mechanisms of action and the therapeutic use of paracetamol, one of the most known and widely used drugs. Некоторые возможные механизмы реализации гепатотоксичного действия парацетамола Как указывалось выше, в терапевтических дозировках П обладает сравнительно небольшой токсичностью, однако осо знанный или случайный прием высоких доз препарата спосо бен приводить к тяжелому поражению печени по типу центро лобулярного гепатонекроза, нередко заканчивающегося смер тью пациента [36]. При введении подопытным животным токсических доз П происходит сниже ние уровня GSH в печени почти на 90%, что обусловлено фор мированием ковалентных связей между цистеином, входящим в состав глутатиона, и NAPQI.

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