
An eight-week old infant with alcohol embryopathy, weighing 3,700 g, was found to have abnormal liver functions (GPT 312 U/l, Quick value 25%) after surgical repair of a stenosis of the left ureter at its origin. The hospital notes indicated that the infant had been given a total of 1.6 g paracetamol over 60 hours for postoperative restlessness and pain. The serum paracetamol level was 60 mg/l 8 hours after the last dose of the drug. Blood exchange transfusion lowered the paracetamol level to 11 mg/l within 14 hours. After the exchange transfusion further signs of poisoning, namely renal impairment and a severe encephalopathy were noted, and Candida was demonstrated in urine, tracheal secretion and ascites. The renal and hepatic damage proved reversible under symptomatic treatment. But the child, now 1 year old, is severely retarded mentally and in its motor functions. These sequelae may be a residue of the paracetamol poisoning, complications of the clinical course or a combination of the two.

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