
In Latvian language, prefix and prefix-free verb constructions with prepositions and adverbs are used in parallel, where the prefix, adverb and preposition are close in terms of the meaning. The aim of the research is to study the connection of prefix-free and prefix verbs with prepositions and adverbs, to study the use of these constructions, reciprocal attitudes and semantics. The novelty of the research is indicated by the fact that extensive systematic studies have not been conducted on the connection between prefixed and prefix-free verb and preposition and/or adverb, their semantics, as well as the possible motivation for doubling the preposition and adverb. The article examines constructions with prepositions uz, no, caur, pār, expressing spatial direction attitudes and which, in modern Latvian, have prefixes corresponding in the meaning – uz-, no-, pār-, as well as adverbs: virsū, ārā, cauri, pāri, nost. The source of the examples analysed in the study is written language on the Internet – chatting, i.e. microblogging site „Twitter”, news publications, comments on the Internet, „Web Corpus of Latvian Language” (Tīmeklis2020) and other sources where coverage of spoken language is available. It has been observed that in cases when a prefix, adverb and preposition of close meaning are used in the same sentence, it is easier to visualize what is being said as if it is being „drawn” before the eyes, and such structures make the text more imaginative. The meaning of a verb plays an important role in what adverb or preposition it binds to itself. In the research, a tendency was observed that most of the time, in constructions of prefixed verb and prefix-free verb, preposition and adverb with verbs of motion of close meaning and of literal sense, are used.

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