
Clinical caseAn 8 year-old boy with no known diseases, with sudden loss of visual acuity (VA) in the left eye (LE). Examination: VA 1 in right eye, and 0.1 in LE, discrete left relative afferent pupil defect (RAPD). Normal biomicroscopy. Funduscopy: congestive papilla, venous tortuosity, peripapillary haemorrhages with macular oedema in LE. The systemic study only revealed A C46Tpolymorphism in the F12 coagulation gene. He had a VA of 1 and normal funduscopy 8 months later. DiscussionPapillophlebitis is an inflammatory and non-ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion, ophthalmoscopically similar to central retinal vein thrombosis. The systemic study is essential to rule out underlying diseases.

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