
At Mayo Hospital Lahore, from August 2010 to April 2011. Objective: was to determine the frequency of multifocalityamong all cases presented with papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) planned to undergo total thyroidectomy (TT). Material & Methods:Data of all patients of PTC was collected from inpatient department of East Surgical ward. All the patients underwent total thyroidectomyby same team of consultant surgeons. Results: A total of 35 patients of PTC with mean age of 37.94 years were included. Multifocaltumor was found in 31.4%. Out of them, 72.7% were females and 27.3% males. This case series showed that a multifocality is highlyprevalent in PTC and total thyroidectomy should be done as the treatment for PTC, to eliminate the additional tumor foci in thyroid glandand prevent its recurrence.

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