
Early Modern European Papato epolitica internazionale nellaprima eta moderna. Edited by Maria Antonietta Visceglia. (Rome: Libreria Editrice Viella. 2013. Pp. 649. euro42,00 paperback. ISBN 978-88-6728-019-3.)This is a wide-ranging collection of more than twenty studies representing work of several different centers of research and coordinated by Maria Visceglia of Sapienza in Rome. Most are in Italian (except for three in English, four in French, and one in Spanish), but after index, there are English summaries of them all. Visceglia herself contributes (in English) a synthesizing introduction packed with interesting ideas and learning. The main purpose of book is to explore strategies employed to restore and reinterpret papal authority, both spiritual and temporal, from end of Great Schism to early-eighteenth century; there is some stress on developments during and after 1580s with new initiatives of Pope Gregory XIII and his successors. Political and diplomatic operations in Europe and Mediterranean region are discussed and, in global perspective, wider perceptions about papacy and missions conducted by new religious orders.A first grouping, focused on ideology and political expedients, begins with policy of compromise. Marco Pellegrini (the only contributor much concerned with fifteenth century) provides a masterly analysis of concordats between papacy and secular powers from 1418 to 1516 (when he shows that King Francis I retreated slightly from Gallican claims to support Pope Leo Xs neo-crusading agenda). Concordantia is also subject of Maria Rosa's contribution, but in an eighteenth-century context, after other authors expound on some policies that are more robust. First, revisiting Prodi's theme of a monarchy with two souls, a revival of papal universalism is perceived by Heinz Schilling, with reference to claims of sacrality and visual splendor intended to make Rome seem a truly world capital. Alain Taillon then discusses papal attempts to act-not very successfully-as a neutral force or as arbiter in international disputes even though punitive violence was also sometimes pursued (and not only in defense of Italian temporalities). There follow Silvano Giordano's useful analysis of curial officialdom, including role of cardinal-nephew, and Giovanni Pizzorusso on foundation in 1622 and functions of Propaganda Fide.The second grouping is largely devoted to theme of the frontier, meaning frontier regions of Catholic Christendom. …

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