
Recent years the computer technologies are reaching every corner in the world through the cloud computing services. Cloud storage has many advantages and it allows the user to store a large amount of critical and sensitive data in the cloud. As we store the critical information in the cloud, the information attracts the highly skilled hackers to access the data in the cloud by breaching the security mechanisms. This paper discusses specific attacks related to efficient and secure storage of data in cloud. Specifically, we outline network-based, browser-based and social network-based attacks. We classify the mechanisms and prominent security systems available to handle the challenges faced by these security threats. The study contributes to the overview of drawbacks in state of art mechanisms and it's mitigations techniques to protect the outsourced data. The analysis enables to develop a suitable architecture for efficient and secure storage which outperforms the existing systems with low performance, high communication overheads, high computation cost, less efficiency, limited access for a system, less number of security properties and difficulty in handling the system.

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