
A problem which is examined in the article before was not the article of scientific illumination. It served reason of appeal of author to the archived sources which are first entered in a scientific turn. Actuality of the article consists in that displays of panislamizm and pantyurkizm, having deep roots in the past, in one or another degree take place and now. Research is based on the documents of the Record Office of Republic Crimea, which were at one time geared-up Department of police and his Crimean structures. An author comes in to the conclusion, that in Crimea, as well as in other regions of the Russian empire, where a moslem population lived compact, panislamist and pantyurkist motion was got by development. This motion was headed the representatives of intelligentsia, well-off and influential persons. One of them was IsmaelGasprinskiy, leader of pantyurkist motion of all-russian scale. Panislamizm in Crimea was organizationally designed as organizations of «Conscience». This structure can be considered the first national political party of Crimean Tatars. Crimean pantyurkists and panislamists had regular connections with the centers of Russian, Turkish, Romanian moslem motions. The fact of organization of group of the Crimean national revolutionaries in the capital of Turkey deserves attention. It is the important certificate of the close interlacing revolutionary and panislamist activity.


  • ВВЕДЕНИЕ Данная проблема ранее не была предметом научного освещения

  • A problem which is examined in the article before was

  • It served reason of appeal of author to the archived sources which are first entered in a scientific turn

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ВВЕДЕНИЕ Данная проблема ранее не была предметом научного освещения. Это послужило причиной обращения к архивным источникам, которые впервые вводятся в научный оборот. Что русское правительство рассматривало деятельность пантюркистов и панисламистов как влияние Турции, а органы политической полиции, искавшие повсюду крамолу, видели в каждом прогрессивном движении, в каждом протесте против темноты и невежества среди мусульман антиправительственную пропаганду. Крымский мурза, идейный вдохновитель пантюркистского движения в России Исмаил Гаспринский считал, что все российские мусульмане должны объединиться путем создания сначала общего литературного языка и культуры, а затем политических организаций для борьбы за свое национальное возрождение.

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