
Non-Fungible Token (NFT) is one of the most popular digital assets traded by the global community. This phenomenon is increasingly popular with the news that Ghazali was able to earn billions of rupiah. The NFT phenomenon encourages researchers to carry out analyzes related to the law of transactions in it and its validity according to the fiqh mu'amalah of the four schools of thought. This study uses a literature study approach by collecting data and information related to NFT and the views of several scholars regarding the pillars of a sale and purchase contract (bay') which include: NFT as ma'qud 'alaih, cryptocurrency as tsaman or mal, seller and buyer, and shighat (contract). This research resulted in two findings. First, NFT is a mal in the fiqh mu'amalah review. NFTs are categorized as meaningful malls because they are useful for copyrighted works and can be fully owned (hiyazah). Second, NFT transactions are legally valid 'because they have fulfilled all the conditions and pillars of the sale and purchase contract (bay'). Cryptocurrency as a transaction tool in NFTs is legal and meets the requirements to be categorized as a mall and recognized as a hiwalah contract. The two actors (al-'aqidan) and shighat in NFT transactions have also met the conditions.

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