
The industrial revolution plays a very important role in making the world more advanced, for example with the creation of motor vehicles, power plants, and fertilizers used in agriculture. There have been many disasters that have occurred caused by global warming such as storms, hurricanes, heavy rains, and changes in planting seasons. One way that can be done is by doing a geoengineering strategy. Geoengineering is an attempt to manipulate the Earth's climate to counter the effects of global warming. In the study of axiology, a science or theory must be studied about its uses which include ethics, goodness, badness, and aesthetics. Some of the world's leading Institutes have and will research geoengineering and seek the potential benefits of this science. However, if the concept of climate manipulation is misused as a weapon of war (Operation Popeye) and technology to destroy an area (HAARP), then geoengineering is said to have violated scientific ethics. Therefore, an axiological study of geoengineering strategies is important to do.

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