
A collection of deep-sea pandalids from the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, collected by the Research VesselsSONNE, VALDIVIA, andMETEOR between 1977 and 1987, is described. The collection comprises three species of the genusHeterocarpus: H. dorsalisBate 1888,H. gibbosusBate 1888 andH. tricarinatus tricarinatusAlcock & Anderson 1894, and eigth of the genusPlesionika: P. adensameri (Balss 1914),P. alcocki (Anderson 1896),P. bifurcaAlcock & Anderson 1894,P. minorCalman 1939,P. narval (Fabricius 1787),P. persica (Kemp 1925),P. quasigrandisChace 1985, andP. reflexa (Chace 1985). Of these,P. minor andP. reflexa have not been recorded from the area before. Several rather unknown species ofPlesionika have been fully described.

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