
Introduction. Pancreatic panniculitis is a rare skin manifestation of pancreatic disease. It is characterized by inflammation and liquefactive necrosis of subcutaneous fat. Treatment involves addressing the underlying cause and providing supportive wound care. Case Report. The authors present a case of a 68-year-old man who developed painful, erythematous wounds on his lower extremities that progressed to purple, edematous lesions with purulent drainage. During the progression of his wounds, he developed epigastric pain and acute pancreatitis. Subsequent CT scan showed a pancreatic cyst that had extended into the portal vein. Deep, excisional biopsy of the wounds helped further narrow the differential. Histology indicated “ghost cells,” which are adipocytes with a central clearing and dark basophilic calcium deposits in the cytoplasm. Conclusion. The presence of ghost adipocytes is a rather unique histopathological feature consistent with pancreatic panniculitis and should be considered in combination with the overall clinical picture to determine the underlying etiology. Pancreatic panniculitis can be a primary presenting feature and possible complication of pancreatic disease.

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