
Every country has an ideology that forms the umbrella of values and basic rules of life for its citizens. Indonesia has Pancasila, which draws from the deep and wise roots of its civilization, giving birth to the five foundations of national and state life. This has been determined to be final and binding in legislation. However, some citizens and groups think that Indonesia is a thoghut country. These groups wish Indonesia to become an Islamic state that applies sharia laws. Even today, such voices are still strong, especially after the large meeting of Prabowo-Sandi supporters in 2012. This research aimed to explain the commentary compiled by the archipelago Mufassir in response to the basic themes of the state. Pancasila was born from the womb of the archipelago, and the responses of the commentators come from the womb of the archipelago as well. Qualitative methods were used in a literature search. The interpretation referred to was the Tafsir Qur’an Karim by Mahmud Yunus, Tafsir Rahmat by Oemar Bakry, Tafsir Al-Ibriz by Bisri Musthofa and Tafsir Al-Misbah by Quraish Sihab. Pancasila, which has been embedded for hundreds of years in the earth, is in line with the values of the Qur’an. Contrasting Pancasila and religion is a discourse that is not a solution and should not be continued. More substantive discourses are presented in an effort to improve welfare in the community, uphold justice, and even make Indonesia a new super power that can truly reconcile various conflicts on earth.
 Keywords: Pancasila, Al-Qur’an, substantive religion

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