
The Diversity and pluralism of the Indonesian nation are adhered to by the motto of Bhineka Tunggal Ika and Pancasila as the basis of the state and the nation's outlook on life. Globalization has resulted in a degradation of the character of the nation as indicated by the increase in intolerance and radicalism as well as a decline in the spirit of nationalism and patriotism which have created threats of national disintegration. This study aims to revitalize Pancasila in facing the effects of globalization in order to ward off and eliminate intolerance and radicalism and to increase the spirit of nationalism and the spirit of patriotism in order to maintain national integration by using the method of literature study presented with descriptive argumentative and comprehensive analysis. The results of the research resulted in two strategies in dealing with the effects of globalization in order to face the threat of national disintegration, namely by carrying out the revitalization of Pancasila through national character education to face the effects of globalization in order to ward off and eliminate intolerance and radicalism in order to face the threat of national disintegration and carry out the revitalization of Pancasila through state defense activities to face the effects of globalization in order to increase the spirit of nationalism and the spirit of patriotism in facing the threat of national disintegration.

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