
Calcium signaling is ubiquitous in nematode development from fertilization to cell specification to apoptosis. Calcium also regulates dauer entry in Caenorhabditis elegans, which corresponds to the infective stage of parasitic nematodes. In diverse parasites such as Trypanosoma cruzi and Toxoplasma gondii calcium has been shown to regulate host cell entry and egress, and perturbing calcium signaling represents a possible route to inhibit infection and parasitism in these species. Sodium calcium exchangers are considered the most important mechanism of calcium efflux, and our lab has previously characterized the sodium calcium exchanger gene family in C. elegans and studied the diversity of this family across a subset of specific nematode species. Here we build upon these data and explore sodium calcium exchangers across 108 species of nematodes. Our data reveal substantial differences in sodium calcium exchanger counts across the Phylum and detail expansions and contractions of specific exchanger subtypes within certain nematode clades. Finally, we also provide evidence for a role of sodium calcium exchangers in parasite activation by examining differentially expressed genes in non-activated versus activated infective stage larvae. Taken together our findings paint a heterogeneous picture of sodium calcium exchanger evolution across the Phylum Nematoda that may reflect unique adaptations to free-living and parasitic lifestyles.

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