
Reference evapotranspiration (ET0) is often estimated from evaporation pan data as they are widely available and of longer duration than more recently available micrometeorologically based ET0 estimates. Evaporation pan estimation of ET0 (=KpEpan) relies on determination of the pan coefficient (Kp), which depends on upwind fetch distance, wind run, and relative humidity at the pan site. The Kp estimation equations have been developed using regression techniques applied either to the table presented in FAO-24 or to the original data upon which this table was based (from lysimeter studies in Davis, Calif.). Here, the relative performances of the FAO-24 table and six different Kp equations are evaluated with respect to reproducing the original data table using the FAO-24 table as a standard. Evaporation pan- and CIMIS-based estimates of ET0 are also compared for stations having ranges of mean humidities (48–66%) and mean wind runs (156–193 km/day) located in the Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys, and for a ...

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