
The east-west striking Büyük Menderes graben is one of the major structures of the Aegean grabensystem in Western Anatolia. 169 samples taken from eight localities in the coal - bearing Neogene deposits of this graben have been processed for palynomorphs of which 49 were suitable for pollen analysis. The palynomorph associations include 5 pteridophytic spores, 8 gymnospermous and 32 angiospermous pollen taxa. This high degree of diversity allows recognition of detailed age divisions in the graben filling. The presence of the two palynomorph associations has been recognized on the basis of quantitative and qualitative contents of palynomorphs. The first palynomorph association occurs in the Söke, Sahinali, Kulogullari, Kösk - Basçayir coal horizons, and the Aydin-Incirliova, Kösk-Kizilcayer and Nazilli-Hasköy lower coal horizons. Samples from these localities, which are characterized by the predominance of Pinus haploxylon - type Alnus, Quercus, Castanea, Myrica and Cyrillaceae, are the Middle Miocene (equivalent of early-middle Serravalian) in age. The second palynomorph association, which is the late Middle Miocene-earliest Late Miocene (equivalent of latest Serravalian to earliest Tortonian) in age, is characterized by the presence of low numbers of subtropical elements and the increase in the amount of representatives of herb pollen. The upper coal horizons of the Kösk-Kizilcayer, Nazilli-Hasköy and Sarayköy-Sazak coals are of this age. By the palynological age determinations, it is clear that the Neotectonic activity started before the formation of the Middle Miocene coals.

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