
A total of 113 surface samples collected from the Padeha, Khoshyeilagh, and Mobarak formations of Kuh-e-Ozum, northeast of Jajarm town were processed for palynomorphs, in order to determine age relationships. Well-preserved and abundant palynomorphs dominated by organic-walled-marine microphytoplankton (acritarchs and prasinophyte phycomata), miospores and subordinate chitinozoans, and scolecodonts were recovered. Seven species of prasinophyte phycomata (four genera), 19 acritarch species (14 genera), one species of chitinozoa, and 26 miospore species (19 genera) were recorded and assigned to eight local Assemblage Zones. Assemblage Zones I–IV occur in the Padeha Formation and suggest an Early Late Devonian (Frasnian) age whilst assemblages zones V–VII are present in the Khoshyeilagh Formation and indicate Late Devonian (Famennian) ages. Assemblage zone VIII, which occurs in the basal part of Mobarak Formation, suggests a Lower Mississippian (Tournaisian) age for this formation. Many of the palynomorph groups encountered are closely comparable with coeval assemblages recorded from Western Australia, southwest Ireland, England, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, North Africa, and South America, indicating the close relationship of the Iranian Platform to other parts of the northern Gondwana Domain during the time interval represented by these strata. The presence of marine palynomorphs (acritarchs/prasinophyte phycomata, chitinozoans, and scolecodonts), and shelly macrofauna (brachiopods, gastropods, and corals) in Member c of the Padeha Formation (as well as the Khoshyeilagh and Mobarak formations), together with associated miospores, indicate an open marine (moderately nearshore) depositional environment for the Upper Devonian and Lower Carboniferous deposits in northeastern Alborz Range (Kopet-Dagh region) of Iran.

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