
Palynological study of 45 ditch samples from sedimentary successions penetrated by OSE 1 well located offshore western Niger Delta Basin was undertaken to determine the age of the sediment and reconstruct the paleoclimate and depositional paleoenvironment. All the analyzed samples were composited at 30 ft from stratigraphic depth interval of 6330 to 9010 ft. The lithologic composition comprised mainly of brownish grey or light grey, fine-grained shales with a gypsiferous horizon near the bottom. Palynological slides were prepared following standard palynological preparation procedures of sample maceration with hydrochloric (HCl) and hydrofluoric (HF) acids. The samples yielded moderately well-preserved, low to high diversity palynomorph assemblages of 58 taxa comprising 29 pollen grains, 9 pteridophic spores, 17 dinoflagellates, one acritarch, one freshwater algae and a fungi spore. The stratigraphic distribution of microflora assemblages was highly variable. The assemblage abundance was dominated by pollen and spores. The retrieved pollen grains included Monoporites annulatus, Sapotaceoidaepollenites sp. Psilatricolporites crassus, Psilatricolporites sp., Zonocostites ramonae, Retitricolporites irregularis, Monocolpites marginatus, Monocolpites sp., Pachydermites diederixi, Proxapertites cursus, Verrutricolporites rotundiporus, Striatopollis catatumbus, Retistephanocolpites gracilis, Echiperiporites estalae, Echiperiporites sp. and Inaperturopollenites sp. The retrieved spores included Magnastriatites howardi, Acrostichum aureum, Laevigatosporites sp., Polypodiaceoisporites sp., Verrucatosporites sp., Crassoretitriletes vanraadshooveni and Stereisporites sp. The recorded dinoflagellates included Achomosphaera sp., Andalusiella sp., Polysphaeridium zoharyi, Selenopemphix nephroides and Spiniferites sp. Leiosphaeridia sp. was the only acritarch present in the assemblage. The freshwater algae was Botryococcus braunii. Fungi spore was present but not in significant amount. The stratigraphic interval was dated Early to Late Miocene (Burgidalian-Messinian) based on the occurrence and distribution of some stratigraphic fossil marker species including Magnatriatites howardi, Crassoretitriletes vanraadshooveni and Retistephanocolpites gracilis The abundant occurrence of pollen and spores typical of rain forest and freshwater swamp communities in the assemblage indicated tropical paleoclimatic conditions. The distribution pattern of Monoporites annulatus (Poaceae) and Zonocostites ramonae (Rhizophora) suggested seasonal fluctuations between dryer and wetter climatic conditions. The sediments were deposited in a wide range of environments including brackish lagoons, open salt water swamps, freahwater and nearshore to inner neritic settings.


  • Palynological study of 45 ditch samples from sedimentary successions penetrated by OSE 1 well located offshore western Niger Delta Basin was undertaken to determine the age of the sediment and reconstruct the paleoclimate and depositional paleoenvironment

  • The Niger Delta Basin is of great economic importance because of its petroleum resource

  • Palynological chronostratigraphic zones were erected dependent on the identification of some key parameters of fossil palynotaxa like first appearance datum (FAD), last appearance datum (LAD), peak development and their absence

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The Niger Delta Basin is of great economic importance because of its petroleum resource. Since 1956 when petroleum was discovered in commercial quantity in the basin, Nigeria’s economy has gradually shifted from Agro-based to oil dependent. Nigeria joined the league of oil producing countries in 1958, with a modest daily production of 5100 barrels. The 1956 discovery of commercial quantity of petroleum in the Niger Delta Basin attracted the attention of many multinational oil companies and researchers to the region. Niger Delta petroleum province is ranked 11 globally in terms of petroleum resources, containing roughly 2.92% and 2.98% of the world-discovered oil and gas respectively [1]. Nigeria’s crude oil reserve, much of which occurs in the Niger delta Basin has remained stagnant at roughly 37 billion barrels of oil with a daily oil production of about 2.4 million barrels for nearly a decade as a result of ebbing exploration activities. The Federal Government in 2010 set a national target of 40 BBO in reserve and a daily production of 4 MBO per day by 2020

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