
The present study highlights for the first time recovery of the Lower Siwalik palynoassemblage comprising algal, fungal, pteridophytic spores, gymnosperms and angiosperm pollen from an exposed section on Nahan-Ponta Saheb Road, Himachal Pradesh. The qualitative and quantitative analysis revealed that the algal and fungal spores are dominated by angiosperms, followed by pteridophytes and gymnosperms. The angiosperms show their maximum percentage in the total assemblage. Algal remains are feeble in number. The important taxa recovered are: Psiloschizosporis microreticulatus sp. nov., Notothyrites sp., Lacrimasporonites barrelicus sp. nov, Lygodiumsporites lakiensis Saxena, Polypodiisporites perverrucatus Nandi, Crassoretitriletes vanraadshooveni Germeraad et al., Todisporites kutchensis Sah & Kar, Pinuspollenites crestus Kar, Araucariacites sp., Podocarpidites ruminatus sp. nov., Palmaepollenites kutchensis Venkatachala & Kar, Palmidites naviculus Kar & Saxena, Palaeomalvaceaepollis mammilatus Kar, Retimonosulcites circularis sp. nov., Retitribrevicolporites nahanensis sp. nov., Ligulifloraedites pilatus Kar, Pseudonothofagidites kutchensis Kar, Meliapollis quadrangularis (Ramanujam) Sah & Kar. On the basis of their affinities with modern equivalents, a humid tropical to subtropical climate has been indicated encompassing some fresh water bodies during the deposition of these sediments in this area. The gymnospermous taxa (cf. Pinus, Podocarpus and Araucaria) were possibly derived from uplands of nearby area.

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