
The palynflora and other organic content in carbonaceous shales, exposed along Umrar River, District Umaria have been studied. The organic matter comprises rich black debris, biodegraded, amorphous and structured material, mainly composed of land-derived plant fragments, e.g., leaf cuticles, twigs, stem (elements with bordered pits, xylem and phloem tissues) and roots with their various degradational phases. The basal part of the sequence indicates reducing environment of deposition while upper part denotes a slow depositional setting under moderately oxidizing conditions. Two palynozones have been recognized: the basal-most sequence is characterized by the dominance of Callumispora and Jayantisporites, while the younger sequence is dominated by Parasaccites-Plicatipollenites and zonate triletes in association with striate-bisaccate pollen affiliated to the Lower and Upper Karharbari miofloras. Record of Dictyotidium, Muraticava, Leiosphaeridia, Balmeella, Foveofusa and Tetraporina suggests a brackish water regime during deposition of these sediments. The present study deals with the age of spores-pollen assemblages and the characteristics of organic matter in order to assess the depositional environment of lithologically undifferentiated, coal-bearing Early Permian strata of South Rewa Basin, Madhya Pradesh.

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