
SummarySeven samples of Brazilan red propolis were analyzed using palynological methods. The samples originated from the northeastern coastal region of Brazil; three from Alagoas, three from Bahia and one from the Paraíba state. Glandular trichomes were absent in the red propolis, as were sand, earth, quartz and starch grains that normally occur in geopropolis. The presence of pollen grains of Schinus (“aroeira”) was considered characteristic in the red propolis sediments. The quantity of pollen grains of Protium (Burseraceae), another possible resinous plant taxon, was very small when compared with that of Schinus. This tree also occurs beyond the intertide mangrove vegetation. The three characteristic pollen types of mangrove vegetation, Rhizophora, Laguncularia and Avicennia, were recognized only in one sample from Bahia. Pollen grains of Dalbergia ecastophyllum, another red-resinous plant species occurring in the coastal areas of Alagoas, were not detected in the sediment of the propolis samples. Cocos pollen grains were frequent. The palynological analysis was therefore confirmed by the multivariate analysis. The red propolis may be related mainly to resin of Schinus in the studied samples.

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