
The oncogenic fusion protein promyelocytic leukemia/retinoic acid receptor alpha (PML/RARα) is critical for acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). PML/RARα initiates APL by blocking the differentiation and increasing the self-renewal of leukemic cells. The standard clinical therapies all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and arsenic trioxide (ATO), which induce PML/RARα proteolysis, have dramatically improved the prognosis of APL patients. However, the emergence of mutations conferring resistance to ATRA and ATO has created challenges in the treatment of APL patients. Exploring pathways that modulate the oncogenic activity of PML/RARα could help develop novel therapeutic strategies for APL, particularly for drug-resistant APL. Herein, we demonstrated for the first time that palmitoylation of PML/RARα was a critical determinant of its oncogenic activity. PML/RARα palmitoylation was found to be catalyzed mainly by the palmitoyltransferase ZDHHC3. Mechanistically, ZDHHC3-mediated palmitoylation regulated the oncogenic transcriptional activity of PML/RARα and APL pathogenesis. The knockdown or overexpression of ZDHHC3 had respective effects on the expression of proliferation- and differentiation-related genes. Consistently, the depletion or inhibition of ZDHHC3 could significantly arrest the malignant progression of APL, particularly drug-resistant APL, whereas ZDHHC3 overexpression appeared to have a promoting effect on the malignant progression of APL. Thus, our study not only reveals palmitoylation as a novel regulatory mechanism that modulates PML/RARα oncogenic activity but also identifies ZDHHC3 as a potential therapeutic target for APL, including drug-resistant APL.

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