
SummaryAn examination of European botanic garden ephemera has revealed over 250 overlooked binomials applied to vascular plants. Besides some 23 changes in authority, there are changes in names: Rhamnus pallasii Fisch. & Mey. becomes R. erythroxyhides Hoffmanns, in which two subspecific combinations are proposed; Potentilla fulgens Wall, ex Hook, is antedated by P. lineata Trev.; Thysanolaena maxima (Roxb.) Kuntze is T. latifolia (Roxb. ex Hornern.) Honda; Tillandsia maxima Lillo & Hauman becomes T. australis Mez; new combinations are proposed in Encyclia and Miscanthus and a new name in Crinum. There will probably have to be changes in Rabdosia, Rotala and Triumfetta and possibly in Arenaria, Calceolaria, Crinum, Croton, Flaveria, Haageocereus, Helianthus and Pinus, while some names in Achillea, Acrostichum, Betonica, Carex, Cnicus, Commelina, Eclipta, Iris, Pandanus, Pelargonium, Phyteuma, Pothos, Rhus, Silene and Verbascum remain to be disposed of and Leucas lavandulifolia Sm. is restored.

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