
PALESTINIANS IN THE WEST BANK and Gaza have been struggling to develop their national institutions and to establish workable and hopefully democratic patterns of governance. Their efforts have gone forward with increased vigor since the historic Declaration of Principles was signed by the PLO and Israel in September 1993, and particularly since the Palestinian Authority was established in Gaza in June 1994. The election of the Palestinian Council in January 1996 was another important milestone. There have been setbacks and disappointments, of course. Palestinians themselves frequently complain about corruption and human rights violations on the part of their leaders.' Nevertheless, political life in Palestine is characterized by institutional and ideological pluralism, by intense political competition, and by vigorous debate about government policy on wide range of issues. The attitudes and behavior of ordinary citizens are increasing important in this environment. Participation in the 1996 elections was almost 80 percent, for example, reflecting, according to one observer, a popular yearning for participation in the political process that will determine the Palestinians' futurel. In these elections, as in local elections and in the activities of Palestine's numerous political factions more generally, competition for support at the grassroots level is critical dimension of political life. Moreover, as explained by leading Palestinian scholar, this reflects an emerging political culture that is hospitable to democratic values and practices. Ordinary men and women, he continues, overwhelmingly support democratic political system and show readiness to participate in the political process. They support freedom of the press, the rights of the opposition, and the right of women to political participation.3 Popular attitudes relating to Israel and the Palestinian-Israeli peace process are also increasingly important. On one hand, the degree to which

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