
The large ore clusters and uranium deposits detected in southeast Russia (eastern Transbaikal Region), eastern Mongolia, and northern China constitutes a large area, specialised in U, with a wide range of geological and mineral ore types. Amongst various types of uranium ore, hydrothermal deposits related to volcanic rocks, infiltration deposits of uranium sandstone and polygenous mineralisation in leucogranites represent main commercial interest. Large uranium clusters are located on the outer, side and peripheral parts of the Great Xing'an volcano-plutonic belt as well as in the framing taphrogenic depressions. The clusters formation timed to late Mesozoic (I-K) geodynamic processes. Deep geodynamics allowed the fluid flows of asthenosphere which were concentrating around the periphery of the slab stagnated in the transition mantle zone to penetrate into the above lithosphere and earth's crust with formation of pockets of magma, and ore-bearing volcano-tectonic depressions eventually. Therefore, the presence of igneous stocks, extrusions, and volcanic necks within the volcano-plutonic belts and depressions can be indicative of mineral potential of the area.

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