
Paleosol studies are in their first stages in Argentina. As far as we know, the soil and paleosols correspond to buried Alfisols and Mollisols with hydromorphic and carbonatic features. The paleosol sequences on loess are made up of a succession of B or C horizons which, furthermore, are polygenetic as a result of encroachment of each pedogenesis on the underlying loess mantle. Differences in mineral composition are scarce, with the exception of increases in glass shards and phytoliths in some loess mantles. The b-fabric is mostly stipple-speckled or mosaic-speckled, and microlaminated clay coatings are very common. There are also amorphous features related to voids or to the soil matrix. Evidences of biological activity are present as an excremental fabric on which a fissure microstructure is superimposed. The paleosol sequences consist of several loessoid mantles, each corresponding to a depositional pulse followed by a quiescent pulse, during which pedogenesis took place. Truncation is considered to be due to eolian/fluviatile erosion. Also, there probably are A horizons masked by alteration and pedogenesis. A pedogenetic origin of the calcretes with redeposition in the buried paleosols is assumed.

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