
The West Valley fault zone (WVFZ) and Salt Lake City segment (SLCS) of the Wasatch fault zone comprise Holoceneactive normal faults that bound an intrabasin graben in northern Salt Lake Valley, Utah. Both fault zones have evidence of recurrent Holocene surface-faulting earthquakes. A topic of recent research is the seismogenic relation of the antithetic (subsidiary) WVFZ to the Wasatch fault zone—specifically, to what degree are WVFZ earthquakes independent of slip on the SLCS, or other adjacent segments, of the Wasatch fault zone. To improve paleoseismic data for the WVFZ and better understand the seismogenic relation between the WVFZ and Wasatch fault zone, we conducted a fault-trench investigation at the Airport East site, developed new earthquake recurrence and fault sliprate estimates for the WVFZ, and compared WVFZ earthquake timing data with data from the Wasatch fault zone.

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